Astronaut eating a burger

The mystery behind our profound affection for both the space and the burger remains unsolved.

Throughout the history of INKA, these two elements have consistently been at the heart of our identity. It's a curious anomaly, but our brand essence is rooted in authenticity, even if it means embracing our slightly quirky nature as a group.

Maybe by being uniquely unconventional that we get the job done, and done well.

Inka Creative Sdn Bhd 1194322-K

21-08 Menara EcoWorld Bukit Bintang City Centre No. 2, Jalan Hang Tuah 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

E [email protected] T +60 3 2110 1789


Understand The Difference Between A Logo And A Brand

We understand how to create a comprehensive brand that ensures easy adaptation across multiple platforms alongside the persona that generates impact while ultimately improves internal decision-making.

Branding Strategy

Have everything from what your brand stands for to brand positioning decided so that everybody in the organisation is clear about what the brand means.

Brand Persona

A brand persona decides your brand voice, tone, messaging and core pillars to establish and clear and easy-to-understand communication with different levels of stakeholders.

Brand Manual

The brand manual establishes how to use your logo for maximized continuity, colour codes, icon sets, templates and even photo direction so your brand has a strong visual identity.

Opero LogoAurum Theatre LogoJin Gastobar Logo